INTRODUCTION This is based on the original one, available from FEATURES I've changed it, adding these features: * Handles s!!!, s%%% etc, so a "/" can be substituted with s|/|Blah| * Handles the /i (case insensitivity) modifier * Leaves the old text in place, but in another color - If you like the old behaviour: /set typofix_format new * Handles \1 .. \8 and $1 .. $8 * Doesn't crash on invalid regexes (sigh, that should have been wrapped in an eval BLOCK for ages) * Handles escapes, so a "/" can be substituted with s/\//Blah/ - Irssi uses slashes internally, so this could screw things up if you use colors * Handles optional leading whitespace * Handles the ^-anchor (^ matches the null-string at the beginning of a line Patches are NOT incremental CHANGES J1..J5 - DO NOT USE. Contain a nasty endless-loop bug J6 - Fixed endless-loop bug, improved ^-anchor J7 - Set limit back to 5 (typofix_limit) - Added setting typofix_feature_string (heh) - Changed typofix_modify_string default to a nullstring. BUGS * Irssi wants to write its next line after the replaced one, so <> Foo <> s/F/B/ <> s/oo/ar/ would be printed as: <> FBooar (but with Bar in bold, Foo in gray) <> s/oo/ar/ <> s/F/B/ This, I can live with - but Irssi doesn't redraw correctly, so you'll have to press ^L or scroll up and down. I discovered that adding another line helps. That, in fact, is a feature, not a bug.